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The lecture will give a comparative talk discussing what has been happening in terms of labour market reform in the GCC countries. It will also consider the interconnection between the officially desired reform of the labour market and what is currently happening in the education system. Additionally, the talk would include some consideration of measures being taken in GCC countries toward this same objective, as well as assessing the impact of some of those countries’ policies on the Kuwaiti labour market.

Nine years since the Global Financial Crisis and the world is still reeling from its effects, which is unprecedented in modern history. Policymakers and central bankers were quick to come up with solutions, but in doing so have not only guaranteed that there will be another crisis, but also that it will be larger than the last one. The lecture will shed the light on the global economic trends and the forecasting of the next financial crisis. Find out how this will affect you, Kuwait and the entire region.

The lecture will shed the light on the importance of economic sustainability and the design of its related policies and will increase awareness on the integration of innovative ways for sustainability to economic policies. The overall objective of the talk session is to engage national stakeholders and share lessons learned on economic sustainability and the process of public policy design and planning in this regard.

The lecture will introduce core concepts regarding the global creative economy, introduce emerging trends and consider how the creative industries and culture can play a vital role in economic and social recovery. Tom will set out some major opportunities for Kuwait and the region to be a hub and catalyst for the creative economy. This includes approaches to talent development, clusters and hubs, innovation and soft power.

Urbanization is a positive force that enables people to benefit from economies of agglomeration through: increased productivity due to economic density; accelerated innovation from knowledge spillovers; and greater mobility and access to jobs and services. However, the congestion of cities also puts immense pressure on land and natural resources, causing undesirable outcomes from housing shortages, suboptimal basic services, increased pollution, and traffic congestion.

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