KPPC Partners
Understanding the importance of partnership for the success of the center, local and international partnerships and collaboration have been forged and implemented. KPPC has been keen on leveraging the collaboration with KFAS and benefit from its local and international partnerships with renowned research institutions as well as its network of local subject matter experts. The maximum collaboration and partnership between different stakeholders, including GSSCPD and other stakeholders such as government entities, research, scientific and academic institutions, universities, CSOs paves the way for the center’s success. This is reinforced though engaging stakeholders and forging partnerships with national, regional and international centers.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
As part of UNDP Country Program Document with the Government of Kuwait, represented by GSSCPD, UNDP Kuwait has been playing a major role in supporting the GSSCPD in establishing the KPPC both institutionally and technically. Under the framework of the “Institutional, Technical and Innovation Support for Effective Policy Research, Formulation, Advocacy and Implementation towards Kuwait Vision 2035 and SDGs, through the Kuwait Public Policy Center (KPPC)” portfolio, UNDP collaborates closely with GSSCPD to support the establishment of a pioneer KPPC to address policy making gaps and mainstream policy research, analysis and studies in the policy making process.

Strategic Partnership with KFAS
One of KPPC’s strategic partners is the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science (KFAS). This partnership draws on the expertise of KFAS and its close ties with world scientific institutions and research strategic think tank centers, in addition to its network of local subject matter experts. The partnership also supports KPPC in enhancing cooperation and strengthening partnerships with institutions and research centers and building bridges of cooperation, scientific knowledge and expertise exchange. The strategic collaboration with KFAS focuses on producing evidence-based papers and research documents with technical analysis and solutions to various policy challenges facing the country by drawing on academic experience. The research work comes under the umbrella of the KNDP and the developmental priorities of the country.
The exclusivity of KFAS in the state of Kuwait stems from its established International Collaborative Program with renowned academic and research institutions worldwide. It offers jewel opportunities for future researchers, leaders, and key policymakers from various state ministries and private sector to work closely and benefit from the expertise of best-in class institutions and academic institutions around the world.
The Foundation provides various collaborative programs, professional trainings, workshops, conferences and collaborative research projects to achieve the following goals:
- Promoting evidence-based policymaking;
- Enabling the innovative capacity of the private sector;
- Supporting research capacity-building programs in research institutions;
- Promoting technology transfer and best practices in applied research.

Kuwait University
Within the framework of the partnership between Kuwait University and GSSCPD, KPPC aims to collaborate with the Kuwait University on emerging research topics and areas that would foster the alignment between policy research and academia in Kuwait. The objective is to increase the role of academic is shaping evidence-based policies in Kuwait and ensure that the research efforts are aligned with the national priorities of the government in terms of policy research.

University of Ottawa – Center of Governance (CoG)
The KPPC signed an MOU agreement with the University of Ottawa’s Centre on Governance (CoG), in February 2017, the two parties committed to collaborate in the fields of applied research, professional training and exchange of graduate students and personnel.
As part of the Public Administration pillar and with an interest to explore performance indicators on government effectiveness, governance and service improvement, and at the same time, address some of the challenges that KPPC has identified in Kuwait context, including but not limited to:
accountability for civil servants; financial planning across government entities and relation to performance outcomes; citizen-centric policies that ensure the quality of public services and customer satisfaction; policies that promote efficiencies in service design and delivery; and quality and outcomes of public services and related measurement of performance.

American University of Beirut – Issam Faris Institute
GSSCPD/ KPPC signed an MOU with the American University of Beirut (“AUB”) headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon. The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (“IFI”) at AUB is a research-based, policy-oriented institute that aims to harness, develop, and initiate policy-relevant research in the Arab region. The partnership also includes the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kuwait. The purpose of the partnership is to provide a framework of cooperation among GSSCPD, UNDP and AUB/IFI and facilitate collaboration in areas of common interest within the context of the programme of work of the KPPC.