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Creative Human Capital

Within the seven pillars in the Kuwait National Development Plan KNDP), the Creative Human Capital pillar is the bedrock for the achievement of the other pillars. Empowering Kuwaiti citizens to be able to achieve their full potential is the step forward into promoting a healthy, diversified economy and ensure a satisfied citizenry. When an empowered citizenry is cultivated, the country reaps the benefits in dividends.

To that end, the Kuwait Public Policy Centre (KPPC) started with the identification of gaps and challenges in the KNDP 2015-2020 policies; with specific focus on the education and labor market. Within this context, the Center developed a policy paper, titled “Kuwait National Development Plan 2015/2020 and the Education- Labor Market Alignment Policies: Key Challenges, Gaps and the Way Forward”, that reviewed existing policies and assessed the main challenges and policy gaps affecting the education-labor market alignment within the Creative Human Capital pillar.

Based on the challenges identified in the above-mentioned policy paper, a research agenda was, then, derived to establish the research roadmap that KPPC would take to embark on the policy research. This policy agenda, titled KPPC Research Agenda for the Human Capital Pillar, established key priority research areas that the KPPC would undertake such as, but not limited to: labor market, education sector, education and outcomes and labor market needs, and enhancing human capital governance and capabilities.

With the objective of informing the development of the upcoming KNDP 2020-2025 and based on the challenges and gaps identified in the policy paper, the KPPC has been working on the development of an evidence-based white policy paper that sets the roadmap for the Human Capital Pillar: “Building Kuwait’s Future Human Capital for the Knowledge Based Economy”. The white paper aims to address the policy gaps and recommend policy options that are based on thorough evidence and research as well as backed with a participatory approach with relevant stakeholders. The aim is to move towards an integrated framework for achieving efficient education-labor market alignment. It includes 4 policy areas that tackle transformation of the education and training system for the knowledge economy, creation of the skilled workforce or tomorrow, building an efficient higher education labor alignment, and strengthening the enabling ecosystem.

Design of The Social Safety Net for Kuwait

Within the work done on the Creative Human Capital pillar, the KPPC sought to capitalize on the existing relationship between KFAS and the London School of Economics (LSE) in order to conduct a thorough and systematic review of the current Social Safety Net (SSN) programs and overall system. The project also developed an evidence-based policy paper to revamp the current system and reduce Kuwait’s heavy reliance on public employment. The review and subsequent policy paper were incorporated within the 2020–2025 Kuwait National Development Plan (KNDP).
The KPPC achieved its objective within the project in formulating a comprehensive review of the SSN system in order to design a more efficient, sustainable and up to date system for Kuwait.
The overall objectives achieved were:

  • Assessed the current social contract system in Kuwait by evaluating the existing SSN ecosystem in term of its existing legal, fiscal and institutional set up.
  • Analyzed the degree of the current system’s effectiveness and impact.
  • Benchmarked elating SSN systems from different countries that have progressed in reforming their SNNs, paying special attention to program delivery, cash and in-kind transfers, targeting mechanisms, case management and evaluation program.
  • Conducted an international literature review of global SNN trends and emerging models, focusing on how these international examples best fit the Kuwaiti context in order to reduce reliance on the public sector.
  • Drafted a white paper on SNN policy with evidence-based policy recommendations.
  • Provided options and policy recommendations to revamp the social contract in Kuwait and transform the role of the Kuwaiti government from wealth distributor to wealth creator.
  • Developed a white paper with suggested policy recommendations, and suggested reform strategies options for the Kuwaiti government.
  • Consulted with national stakeholders to assist in developing the framework for the revamp, focusing on fitting it within the local context and the unique challenges facing Kuwait.
  • Presented the developed white papers to national stakeholders and solicited their feedback and comments. - Developed a consolidated roadmap and implementation plan for the new reform.