About us
The mandate of the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (GSSCPD)is to design, coordinate and oversee the Kuwait National Development Plan implementation. GSSCPD has established the Kuwait Public Policy Centre (KPPC) as part of GSSCPD. KPPC aims to serve as a think-tank for policy research and analysis capable of providing policy makers and other stakeholders with evidence-based policy advice to make informed decisions. The KPPC is a platform to analyze, advocate and support policy decisions and to direct attention towards priority development issues within the national context and concerns that are relevant to the public as well as policy makers. The center supports GSSCPD in achieving a policy-focused national development plan with streamlined policies on health, economic diversification, public administration, education and labor market, and energy and environment; as well as expand public engagement by engaging all parties including citizens, private sector, and civil society organizations (CSOs) in the policymaking process.

Vision, mission and values

Leadership Message
A message from His Excellency the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Planning & Development